Robot Showdown

Two totally different robots face off in a beautfully rendered short CG film — World War by University Of Hertfordshire student Vincent Chai. Its semi-retro stylings and attention to detail are superb.

For more animation wonders, see Aniboom — the Animation Virtual Studio.

Tetsujin 28-go AKA Gigantor


The Japanese giant robot Tetsujin 28 has had many incarnations. Created in manga form in 1956 (written and illustrated by Mitsuteru Yokoyama), it spawned several anime series, was renamed as “Gigantor” for US TV, appeared in a live-action movie and is being made into a full-length CGI feature film.

1960s TV Series (as “Gigantor”)


Tetsujin 28-go (Japan-2005; live action; dir. Shotaro Kaneda):

Upcoming T28 (CGI animated film):

But on top of that, it was announced some time ago that a full-size statue of Tetsujin 28 would be built in Kobe:


And just last month it was officially unveiled to the public in Wakamatsu Park in Kobe, Japan:
